A Post Election Rant (If you voted Democrat, this Blog's For You!)
Hey America! Wake up your sleepy heads, rub your eyes! Get out of bed! George Bush, the Wicked Witch, is Dead! Or not, but good enough for government work, eh? A little impeachment here, a little indictment there. Nancy, Barb, Hillary, and Clare will be sure to trump up those charges in the next six months or so "in the spirit of bi-partisanship," because Clare McCaskill, for one, is "on OUR side". I guess that would be 51% of America's side.
OK, enough sarcasm for now, plenty of space for that later. Let's move on. Time for your history lesson, America! Up and at 'em! Eat your Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, grab your comic books, and come to school. There's LOTS of learning to do today and being the eager open-minded liberals that you are I know you are just dying to learn some wonderful things in cyberspace today!
Your Lesson for the Day: Vietnam, Iraq, and the Liberal Media
Now that fickle and media-mislead America (that would be a blistering 51% of you--this year) have given their precious Democrats the power that they have professed as their birthright in America's political machine, we can watch to see just how marvelous they will handle the nation and its involvement in Iraq. Of course, any bumbling will be blamed on our embattled and beleagured President, aided, of course, by the omni-present, Almighty Liberal Media --The god of the American People.
(Oh, by the way, amazing how strangely silent it is after this election. No whining and crying about stealing elections or disenfranchised, unregistered voters, or counts and recounts, despite scores of races and issues that were decided by less than 1% margin and despite major problems with voters being turned away in Missouri for lack of ballots in Republican counties. Just wanted to point that out.)
As a two tour veteran of Iraq, I feel I have earned my right to tell the American Media and anyone who fell prey to their negative image-making of President Bush and so took it out on us troops by electing irresponsible, self-serving, liberal snots to the nation's highest offices to go to hell. And post haste, too (James Webb in VA excluded. Being a good man, he'll eventually see the light.) Not that eternity in Hell would make their lives any less confused, corrupt, and immoral than they already are... or is Hell simply a continuation of the poor choices we've made and our turning away from the offer of God's love for us resulting in our misery on earth? Hmmmm....
Liberal Hypocrisy 101.
There is so much to say about this one I will save it for another time. Or not, but at least allow me to lay out a short illustration or two. Someone please tell me how does the sneaking of a few democrat political documents out of a hotel room (i.e., Nixon and Watergate) compare to ex-NSA chief Sandy Berger's (Sandy Burgler's?) sneaking of TOP SECRET documents out of the national archives and shoving them down his pants so no one notices? Oh, it's OK, it's Sandy. Bill "I never had sex with that woman" (under my Oval office desk while ducking phone calls about Bin Laden) Clinton was your boss and you are his protected minion. No, in our profound Mercy, we, the Media God forgive you. But, YOU, Mr. Nixon, you had evil people steal REALLY important Democrat political strategy papers from a trash can in a HOTEL room! YOU are an evil, EVIL crook deserving impeachment, hellfire and damnation for all political eternity! And YOU Mr. Foley, you had a consenting young gay man write you back on your government e-mail. For SHAME! I'm afraid YOU must die a fiery death in political historical hell, too. BUT, dear, kindly, President Mr. Bill Clinton.... awww, well, gee, nobody cares if YOU showed young, luvstruck Monica Lewinsky a little southern hospitality under your oval office desk and completely disgraced your office. Why, heck, it's nothing any good 'ol boy from Arkansas wouldn't do behind the tobacco barn on a warm spring day. Why, how do you think little Democrats are bred? We'll just let that little slip up go unnoticed, after all, we have that little spouse of yours to elect as FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT in 2008. And speaking of you, dearest Hillary... Oh, you naughty little girl, taking that 8 million in proceeds for your book in some illegal fashion or other. Hey, you shouldn't do that. You might spoil your chances for the glory we wish to bestow upon your beloved and honorable name. But, YOU, Mr. Newt Gingrich, you, TOO, took proceed monies from a book while YOU were in office as Mr. Speaker, and YOU will spend the REST of YOUR LIFE in political historical hell, where you will rot forever and ever! Oh, soooo sorry.
So, class, what have we learned today thus far? If you are a Democrat, the Liberal Media will protect you no matter HOW morally corrupt you are, but if you are a Republican, you will be dragged through the mud and occupy our headlines until all the real news that exposes liberalism for the moral disaster that it is passes into oblivion. (Like the U.N. passing out condoms instead of real medicine and food to starving Somalians during Clinton's presidency. Or the bombing of innocent civilians by U.N. forces--Clinton Presidency. Giving away Nuclear secrets to China and North Korea--Bill Clinton, again, and the brilliant, if not incredibly stupid policies of Madeleine Notbright--but of course, it is Bush's fault North Korea miraculously developed Nuclear technology this year all by themselves.) Class dismissed. Next period....
2nd Period. History 101.
Flashback, Vietnam. 1968. Hey, America, if you don't study and apply yourselves, you might end up in Iraq.... duhhh... or was that Vietnam? Hey, class, did it ever dawn on you that it wasn't President Nixon who got us into Vietnam? Let's think back to the BEGINNING of our involvement there. Who was in office? No, it wasn't Richard Nixon. He lost that election to your darling, John F. Kennedy. Yes, the American Camelot Prince himself. A democrat. Perhaps he was not so nearly insanely liberal as Nancy "My-Noble-Agenda-While-I-am-Speaker-is-to-Impeach-Bush" Pelosi or Barbara Boxer Shorts, or Hillary I've-Just-Gotta-Be-the-First-Female-President-or- I'll-Die Clinton, but liberal enough for his time. Then, Democrat, Lyndon Johnson, yes, that's President Lyndon Johnson, (did I mention he was a Democrat? Yes. He was a DEMOCRAT) got us in deeper, dictating policy from his desk far away on a communist enemy who played him like piano. Then, BECAUSE a Republican robbed the left of its political birthright (enter Richard Nixon, 1968, whose only real crime was the stupidity of getting himself elected in late 1960's America) well, that just couldn't stand. So, for the next six years the Liberal Intellectual Elite (L.I.E.) did everything in their power to lose the war for America, aided once again by the sheeple of America's god, their Almighty Advocate and powerbrokers, the Liberal American Media Elite (L.A.M.E.), which exploited every moral, tactical, or strategic blunder (committed, oh, by the way, in all wars by both sides) all over American television sets and liberal newspapers in the nation, all to cast aspersions upon the Republican in the Oval Office. In the meanwhile, L.I.E., i.e., the New England, New York, and California Snot that pulls the strings of the Liberal Media, and that era's version of the George Soros' and Michael Moore's of the world, the same oh-so munificent souls who sprinkle their excess pennies upon the less fortunate and, who having led these poor, wretched souls to the slaughter pens of the moral filth they peddle, never give a sheet of soiled toilet paper for the soldier on the ground who was devastingly demoralized by their country's lack of support, and who gleefully played "innocently" into the hands of Mr. Giap's strategy.
(Think I'm full of it? Click here:
Ho Chi Minh and, later, General Vo Nguyen Giap, were no idiots. They knew the key to their success was the American media's persuasion of our nation against the war. All the Vietnamese had to do to win was live in their country and thwart America's willpower at home. They knew it wasn't General Westmoreland's operational plan, but America's weak will that only need be exploited. With traitors like John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and the American Media on their side, it was a simple game of agitate and wait back in the Nam. Thanks to the lack of willpower by cowardly U.S. college studentry who stood no chance of getting drafted anyway for their student deferments, forced us to abandon the rest of the people of South Vietnam and left us the killing fields, so that some L.A.M.E. producer could pretend to wring his hands in agony over his guilt while making a few million dollars on a movie about it to boot.
Any student of military strategy knows that to win in assymetric war, control and exploitation of the media must occur. Being communist, it wasn't hard for the poor, persecuted, and still smarting communist media types still smarting from Joe McCarthy who gave them a tiny smattering of what they had been doling out throughout the entire history of their miserable collective existence to aid and abet old Uncle Ho. Sun Tzu, whose playbook Ho Chi Minh followed, writes in his famous treatise, The Art of War, and I loosely paraphrase, that the mark of a true warrior is to be able to win a war without ever bearing an arm. The smartest way to win a war is to outmaneuver your opponent without having to fire a shot. It's cheap. Nothing is lost, and you've gained everything. It is not brawn that wins. It is brains. Assymetric warfare is fought by using ALL elements necessary to weaken the will of your opponent. Media is one of the biggest tools of exploitation in Assymetric warfare, but our own American Media won't let us use it to win in Iraq. Yes, L.A.M.E. will let terrorist thugs use it even to the point of lulling vapid airheads like Cindy Sheehan into believing they are the "good" guys. He who controls the media, can shape the masses by sheer impression and perception. It can probably be argued that the reason we won World War II was because a Democrat was in power. L.I.E. and L.A.M.E. saw to it that they cooperated with FDR's unprecedented censorship of the press to protect American lives ( if not shape post-war Europe into a communist Disneyland). Nor did L.A.M.E. ever fire a single rhetorical volley when FDR decided to run for two extra terms in office, "because we need to keep the nation unified under one commander-in-chief." After all, we ALL wanted to elect him. (That wasn't the story my WWII veteran father told me). Could you imagine, if George Bush were to just up and run for a third term under the same argument? The Sinful Hypocrites of the American Media Elite (SHAME) would scream bloody murder DEMANDING he be tossed from office, and it would take Barbara Boxer Shorts, Nancy "Impeach Bush" Pelosi and Clare, The-Only-Reason-I'm-In-Office-is-to-Hold-George-Bush-Accountable, McAsskill an Angry Hillary minute to do so.
So, here's the final ironic tragedy of Vietnam, class. Two noted OSS officers, one by the name of Maj Gen. William "Wild Bill" Donovan and Major Archimedes L. A. Patti, advising in Indochina (that's post-WWII Vietnam for the geographically challenged) at the end of WWII advised Harry S. Truman, another DEMOCRAT, that "if we (the U.S.) did not help Ho Chi Minh now, we will have to fight him later." We didn't and so we did. "Uncle Ho" ran to Communist Russia for help. (He didn't want help from Communist China at that time, although later they reconciled their traditional political differences). All Ho wanted was a war torn colonized people to be united as a sovereign nation. He didn't care WHO helped him. He didn't care what form of government it took. He just wanted a united people to be a nation. So, DEMOCRAT Truman, blows it for America and Democracy by marginalizing the funny little Asian from who knows where and his nobody-cares-about-it problems. In 20 years we were there, fighting Uncle Ho and his minions. In eleven years, 58,000 Americans and only God knows how many Vietnamese would die for a result that could have been resolved by a little politcal savvy paid to Uncle Ho by President Truman. Now Communist Vietnam continues to persecute those who desire to seek religious freedom, especially in the Catholic Church which exists underground therein.
Flash Forward. Iraq, 2006.
Hey America, you either still haven't figured it out or you are too fat, dumb, and happy to care, but listen up, ARMS DON'T WIN WARS, WILLPOWER DOES. IT'S THE WILLPOWER OF A NATION THAT WINS OR LOSES ITS COUNTRY'S WARS. National will brings about funding and support. If we lose in Iraq, it is YOU who lost it. YOU who will have wasted our lives, NOT President Bush. YOU who should be ashamed of your treachery to your own nation. President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld set a course in Iraq. Is it perfect? No, but I am sure the media's ability to monday-morning quaterback will find the sure solution, won't it? You want us to pull out? Stupidity and folly. Strike that. Extraordinary idiocy---or extraordinary selfishness that goes beyond evil.
Flashback, Northern Iraq, December 1991. The setting, post Gulf War Iraq.
George H. Bush listens to Colin Powell and pulls out of Iraq without toppling Hussein's corrupt government. Who's left holding the bag? The Kurds. Hussein gasses them, sprays them, and begins a campaign of genocide against them while they huddle homeless and shelterless in the bitter cold of a northern Iraq winter. Today, a young Marine whom I had the honor to meet, a comrade in arms, one of the Kurdish child suvivors in that nightmare still scarred by chemical muntions he barely survived, teaches U.S. Marines Iraqi culture and language classes.
Just what do you think will happen when we pull out of Iraq dear liberal sheeple of 51% America? Or don't you really give a rat's behind because you are too selfish to care about anything but your nails or your toxic drug prescriptions? When you've actually been there and made friends with these people, you don't hang them out to dry. Well, maybe YOU do. Maybe George Soros does. Maybe Nancy Pelosi does. Maybe Clare McCaskill does. Maybe John Kerry does, just like he undermined America's effort in Vietnam and left us to abandon the peaceful Montagnaard's who only wanted to be left alone, but who were forced into the war and who in the end, were genocidally slaughtered by the communist pigs in Vietnam once the Democrat Congress cut funding to the effort caving to the American media and forced us out of there before the job was done. O.K., I'll tell you what will happen. I'll make this easy for you: Iraq will fall into chaos for about ten years. Then, either Iran will take them over or another strongman dictator, like Saddam Hussein reincarnated, will take power and nothing will have been gained or changed from pre-9-11 Iraq. Innocent people there will be the victims of the ensuing slaughter while you rest comfortably in your selfish life. THAT's what will happen. You will blame it on Bush's War, but in the end, it'll be YOUR fault because you were too stupid to think about anyone but yourself or to strive for moral goodness in your life.
Well, school's out for today, America. Go home and feel good about yourselves. Forget everything you learned today for tomorrow's another day! And don't forget, nothing that happens today will be remembered tomorrow. Unless of course, it is a Republican who makes the boo-boo.
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