Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Selling Out the Troops

With the change in Congress, we can expect a 2008 Democrat victory in the White House and the consequential increase of moral disaster in America--like it is not already bad enough--and political disaster in Iraq to follow. It's looming large on the horizon already. Even Iran is afraid we are pulling out too soon. Well, maybe for the best, eh? Let 'em kill each other and let Allah sort 'em out, right 51% America? Hell, with all the sacrifice you put into watching the evening news, its about time we got out of there.

Of course, L.A.M.E. (the Liberal American Media Elite) and L.I.E. (the Liberal Intellectual Elite) will spin it into a great success for the democrats, pinning all blame on President Bush and the previous Congress. Many will look at Iraq now and claim it is already a disaster. Well, 51% America, you ain't seen nuthin' yet. Wait until we start pulling out. Think back to Vietnam. That country may seem peaceful, now, but underneath its communist facade those people have no freedom to even explore the possibility of the profound goodness in Jesus Christ, and those who do are tortured and persecuted. This is a dirty little secret both here and in China that L.A.M.E. will never report. Of course, this would be just fine for people like Dan Brown and all who were gullible enough to buy his tripe in The Da Vinci Code, (people believe what they want to believe) but my personal experience of faith tells a very different story. I know the reality of Christ. I've watched a thousand little miracles in my life that I can't otherwise explain. I don't even question it. When they happen, I just smile and say, "Thanks, Lord. You are so good to me, and I don't even deserve it." My prayers, are usually answered in the affirmative. Just keep in mind that with prayer, sometimes the answer is "no", and you can't kick and scream like a whiny brat when it is. Also, if you are not willing to take "no" as an answer from the Almighty, he won't answer your next prayer either. He knows what's best for us. He created us, but this is matter for another post.

Vietnam became a killing ground. Remember the "boat people"? Remember Pol Pot in Cambodia? What do you think that was about? Our pullout. Our caving to L.A.M.E. and 51% America. Remember the Kurds after we pulled out of Iraq in 1991 instead of taking out Hussein then? So stand by for the same in Iraq. In the immortal words of Ross Perot, a troop pullout will create a giant sucking sound which will be the power vaccuum. Every penny ante wannabe control freak powermonger will try to fill the void and the innocent will be the victims. Half the tribal leadership will try to seize power. The rest will be male radical fundamentalist Muslims blowing up everyone on every street corner in protest of whatever it is they protest.

The problem with our beleagured President is that he and the G.O.P. Congress allowed the L.I.E. to dictate the rules of engagement in Iraq. In his Nov 13th broadcast, Rush Limbaugh pointed out that Janet "El" Reno didn't give a crap about answering the mail when she gave authority to burn out David Koresh and kill 23 innocent children. Did she resign? Hell, no. Or how about sending in the FBI to kidnap a little 8 year old (cf. Elian Gonzalez) in order to deport him back to Cuba? Wow, now there was a threat to be reckoned with, eh? If that wasn't an embarrassing waste of tax dollars, I don't know what was. Why did she get away with this? The same reason FDR got away with firebombing Germany and Japan, because he was a democrat and the press does not hold democrats responsible for ANYTHING, and never did. Name me one example in history where a democrat was grilled by the press for something he or she did wrong. I defy you. Can you imagine what would happen if the Monica Lewinsky disgrace happened to a Republican President? Hell, it would STILL be on the front page of USA Today. What the GOP should have done was take charge and stop pussy footing around with the press. The hell with embeds. Bush should have ordered strict censorship and media blackout like George H. did in the Gulf War, and prosectued any reporter or closed any newspaper that printed unauthorized stories fed them by terrorists---with armed force if necessary.

OK, now you've got me started. What this country really needs is an enema starting with the press and the media. In the 1960's, Hollywood lost control of itself. It threw out the decency laws and they began spewing filth on national television and in the theaters. What conservatives need to do at this point is leave NYC, Chicago, Massoftuschitts, LA, Denver, and Hollywonk and move to the open plains. Then drop nukes on the remaining trash who refuse to see truth and start from scratch. Really. Nothing would be the worse for the wear. The places are a mess anyway. Oh, liberal hypocrite like Rosie O'Donnell, don't get all up on your high horse about labeling me a "dangerous Christian conservative extremist". You spew more hate speech and foment in two sentences talking about people like me than Rush has in 20 years of the EIB Network. You know damn well that the only people in America who do not enjoy protection from hate speech are Christian conservatives.

Here's what is really amazing: the people who live in these high tax states like Massoftuschitts, New York, California, New Jersey, Illinois and Wisconsin have no clue that anything is wrong there. They go about giving half their income or more to the state and federal government thinking, "doesn't everybody?" This is because they are so myopic and clannish they never travel outside the mile radius of their neighborhood. So, the average Joe Liberal is completely clueless that states like Missouri and Ohio are not paying $3.00 a gallon for gasoline right now. Here's the kicker. They live in the misery of cities occupied by liberal democrat politicians that they have been electing for twenty or thirty years or more, yet, they don't see that the liberal democrats are the reason for the corruption in their cities. WELL IT AIN'T THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS, you idiots! You haven't elected one in your miserable excuse for a city in 50 years. But, of course, it's all George Bush's fault. The Libs have told us so. Now, its time for a change. Like every election. Now, it'll be different. Yep.

Well, I just want to thank 51% of America for sellling out the troops, myself included. Thanks for wasting our sacrifice, just like you did in Vietnam. Thanks for not having the guts and spine to stick it out until it was finished. Thanks for selling out the friends we made in Iraq. What did you lose 51% America? Your son wasn't there. You didn't make any sacrifices. It was us, but because you couldn't take watching the sacrifices we were making for you, you sold us out. Feeling guilty? Thanks. Thanks for nothing. I hope you can sleep well now. Thank God for God. At least someone someday will show you your sins, and you won't be able to stick your head in the sand and pretend he doesn't exist. May God forgive me for my poor attitude. "Place not your trust in princes or in men..."


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